We sat down with two members of Diss Round Table, Dan ‘Dandy’ Daley and Tom 'Jenko' Jenkinson, to hear about their incredible experiences at the RTI Half-Year Meeting (HYM) in Paphos, Cyprus. They were members of the 25 strong delegation from RT GB&I who attended the HYM in March. Here’s what they had to say about this unforgettable international gathering.
Q: What were your first impressions upon arriving at the event?
Dandy: "From the start, it was a mind-blowing experience. As soon as I arrived at the resort, I began spotting more and more people wearing Round Table clothing. It was my first real glimpse of just how big the Round Table truly is. Seeing Tablers from across the world greeting each other, some obviously reuniting from previous trips and others meeting for the first time, was incredible."

Jenko: "The atmosphere was electric from the moment I walked into the hotel. You could sense that all these so-called “random strangers” were there for a common cause. I had never seen or experienced anything like it before. People from completely different cultures were mingling effortlessly, with no barriers or nonsense in between. It was refreshing to see politics (or "bollotics," as I like to call them) stripped away, leaving only genuine connections between people who acted like lifelong friends. Instantly, I knew I wanted to be part of this."
Q: How did it feel being at your first international Round Table event?
Dandy: "I’ve only been a Round Table member since November, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous at first about meeting new people. But after seeing other Tablers sharing stories and laughter, I quickly realised that this is one big family."

Jenko: "I had attended some area events, AGMs, and even the national conference in Bournemouth, but the HYM was on a completely different level. It wasn’t long before I felt completely at home. Any anxieties I had about meeting new people disappeared instantly—especially after getting fined for drinking with the wrong hand at registration. Bang—down went a beer in one, and just like that, I knew these people were as excited to meet me as I was to meet them."
Q: What was the social atmosphere like?

Dandy: Throughout the weekend, I had the privilege of meeting people from all over the world. I swapped countless badges, made connections I hope will last a lifetime, and left with friendships spanning different countries.
Jenko: The first-night party was an incredible way to get to know everyone. So many strangers, so many potential new friends, and so much culture to immerse myself in. The next morning, could I remember everyone’s names or where they were from? Not really—but that didn’t matter. Everyone wore their national colours and attire around the hotel, and Rondels were everywhere. And I mean everywhere.
Q: Nations Night is always a highlight—what was your experience like?

Dandy: One of the biggest highlights for me was Nations Night. Every country came dressed in their national attire, proudly showcasing their local food and drinks. I sampled delicacies from Finland, Sweden, South Africa, and more—all in one night! I was even made a Buffalo member! The energy was incredible, and the night ended with a massive conga line weaving through the hall. No matter where we came from, we all joined together and instinctively knew what to do.

Jenko: Woah. Just pure and simple—woah. As someone who loves food, drink, and learning about different cultures, I was like a kid in a sweet shop. I tried some of the most unusual foods from places like South Africa, Malta, Cyprus, and Sweden. I even sampled salty balls (yes, that’s how they were described to me) from Holland and fermented shark from Iceland—which, surprisingly, wasn’t as bad as it sounds! But it wasn’t just about the food. The energy was infectious. There was a massive party with people dancing, waving their flags, and chanting songs from their countries. Every Tabler needs to experience Nations Night!
Q: What did you take away from the experience?
Dandy: I came home a different man, with a new perspective on what Round Table means to me. I feel more confident, more inspired, and eager to do more. I can’t wait for the next trip!
Jenko: The HYM in Paphos has only deepened my pride in Round Table. I am officially hooked on international events, and I’ve walked away with a whole new group of friends I never knew I had!

For anyone considering attending an international Round Table event—just do it. As Dandy and Jenko can attest, it’s an experience you’ll never forget!
If you like the sound of Round Table International events why not check out the up coming events on the International events page here.