Sam Wyss is a third-generation Round Table member. His grandfather and father have been members, and his mother and sister have been part of the Ladies’ Circle.
The qualified commercial helicopter pilot enjoys the social scene, camaraderie and community involvement.
Q&A with Sam
Tell Me About Yourself…
My dad took me to the Royal Air Force Cosford Show when I was a child and I decided then that I wanted to be a pilot. I joined the RAF Air Cadets and started my pilot studies at the age of 22, after gaining some life experience. I think flying helicopters is amazing, especially as you can hover, get into tighter spaces and land anywhere! I am also studying for a degree in Professional Aviation Pilot Practice at Middlesex University. I have just completed a gruelling two years at Helicentre Aviation in Leicester, a trusted provider, and am now a qualified commercial helicopter pilot. I am hoping to work in the offshore industry, then in search and rescue operations and possibly Air Ambulance. I am also a uniformed adult volunteer with the RAF Air Cadets, which offers training and development in aviation, leadership and interpersonal skills for teenagers. We also help young people prepare for the Duke of Edinburgh award and I find it extremely rewarding. In my spare time, I am a drummer and trumpet player. I used to play in bands when I was younger, but I’m now focusing on a career in aviation. I also like to play Airsoft, which is a competitive team shooting game.
Why did you decide to join Round Table?
I grew up with the Round Table being part of my life. My dad and grandfather were part of it, while my mum and sister were part of the Ladies’ Circle. I also had my own reasons for joining. Most importantly, I am keen to support charity, community and volunteering events.
I also wanted to be part of a wider, like-minded group, and I knew of the camaraderie that comes with joining the Round Table. It’s an opportunity to be meet new people, have a laugh and have great social get-togethers.
What do you like about Round Table?
I’ve made many good friends across the UK thanks to the Round Table. We come from varied backgrounds and have each got something to bring to the table.
We kept connected during lockdown when we couldn’t meet in person. This included forming an online gaming group called Verdansk Round Table, which kept us entertained.
I enjoy the community work social side and knowing there are people to support you.
Would you recommend Round Table to others and why?
Absolutely! It’s somewhere you can go to unwind with friends. The Round Table organises lots of events and we can meet regularly. I see it as a safe-haven – an escape from the rest of the world.
Round Table (RTBI) is a national association of local young man / men's club for those aged between 18 and 45. RTBI supports charities, the local community and its individual members through friendship and brotherhood. As part of the Round Table Family, RTBI is an inclusive organisation open to all individuals no matter their age or gender identification. To find out more visit our FAQspage or Contact Us.